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Friday, July 29, 2011

Summertime Blues

Kauai Beekeepers Association
is hosting an
Informational Meeting
Saturday July 30, 2011
4:00pm - 5:30pm

Our featured speaker will be Jacquie Robson, who has been recently hired by the state to assist the HDOA with apiary support and planning. We will learn more about the state's plan to address the issues of varroa mite, small hive beetles and other issues related to beekeeping. We will also bee discussing plans for a honey tasting exhibit at the upcoming KCFB Fair in August. Please join us in welcoming Jacquie and learning more about beekeeping on Kaua'i.
Rm 114 Multipurpose Room 
Electronic and Technology Building 
Kauai Community College
For more information contact
 Jimmy Trujillo 346 7725


It's been a while since I've had time to sit and log on to a computer to share more about beekeeping on Kaua'i. It didn't help to leave for the mainland for three weeks either. But it was a great trip and it's nice to bee home to tend to the garden and the boxes of bees that reside in the yard. I've got a few removals to do soon and the frames are getting full so my blogging time will be limited to announcements about upcoming KBee events and activities (and maybe posting some photos of beekeeping on Kaua'i).

My inbox was full as well and here are two related items of interest that folks e.mailed me while I was away. The first is a Maui News article  about the work of Danielle Downey , the state's new apiarist. She was to visit Maui and inspect local hives. The second item is a HDOA Press Release with the results of the inspections. Not good news for Maui beekeepers.

The upcoming KBee meeting this Saturday will feature the state's recently hired apiary planner. Ms Jacquie Robson will be our guest for the first half of the meeting. KBee events planning and discussions will follow Jacquie's presentation. Here's a map of KCC to help find our meeting location (in the ETRO building). If lost look for the KBee banner. Hope to see you there. Bee well and have a great day !

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