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Friday, June 10, 2011

Staying Bizzy!

The Kauai Beekeeper's Association (KBee)
invites the public to attend
an informational meeting on
 Saturday June 18, 2011
KCC-Technology Building

Open Invitation to all beekeepers, farmers and anyone
concerned about honeybees on Kaua'i.
 Learn about Small Hive Beetle & Varroa Mite Prevention
Strategies for Kauai
and how to become involved with KBEE's effort
 to keep Kaua'i bees stay clean & varroa mite free.
For more information please visit us on the internet at:
or contact
Jimmy Trujillo 346 7725 or Erik Coopersmith 335 0710

We will bee briefly discussing :
*County Sunshine Market Draft Legislation
*Interest in KCFB Fair-Booth & Honey Tasting
*KCC Apiary Program Update
* COK OED Grant

We will also bee discussing in great detail, 'How to Remove and Relocate Honeybee Colonies' featuring KBee member Roy Kawamoto.  Roy and his wife Diane recently moved back to Kaua'i and have been building up their apiary by capturing swarms and removing unwanted honeybee colonies and relocating them to their yard. This is a task that requires some skills and tools and Roy will share tips and techniques that can help make your first colony extraction a success. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello , I am interested in what Roy will be speaking of, however I won't be on island. Is there a way to contact Roy?
