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Sunday, March 13, 2011

KBee Public Meeting

FOR Immediate Release:
March 13, 2011

The Kaua’i Beekeepers Association will be hosting a public meeting this Tuesday, March 15 at KCC in the Electronic and Technology Building. Darci Oishi from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture will introduce Danielle Downey, the state's newly hired apiary specialist. The meeting will start at 6pm and we will learn from Darci and Danielle what is the state's plan for assisting local beekeepers and helping Kaua'i keep the small hive beetle and varroa mite off the Garden Island.

Kauai Beekeepers Association
Open Meeting
Public Invited
 Tuesday, March 15 at 6 pm
Rm 114 Multipurpose Room 
Electronic and Technology Building 
Kauai Community College

1 comment:

  1. I have a piece of property on the north shore and I am looking for an experienced beekeeper who would be interested in keeping bees on the property. I'm hoping to work out some kind of trade. You keep bees on my property and in exchange you could show me the bee-keeping ropes and maybe set me up with some honey now and then ; )
    If you are interested, please contact me at goscradsd@aol.com
