KBEE Public Informational Meeting
Monday 12/20/10 5:30pm
Kauai Community College
Electronic & Technology Building
Rm 114
Monday 12/20/10 5:30pm
Kauai Community College
Electronic & Technology Building
Rm 114
(look for KBee sign)
Tonight's KBee meeting will be starting at 5:30 pm instead of the 6pm time posted earlier. With the college shut down for the holidays we will have no lights in the parking area. So starting earlier will allow us to end earlier and allow the fading light assist in negotiating the stairs and help us find our cars before the lunar eclipse starts. Should be an amazing celestial show if the clouds part and let us enjoy the sights.
I received an email from a friend with this link to a New York Times article. It's a great read and explains why people all over are setting up hives in their backyards or in their neighbors. Not everyone gets into beekeeping to make money, or to pollinate their crops. Some do it just to help the bees or want to contribute to the overall health of the environment. Others see the value they add to agricultural or horticultural endeavors on a local level. In my opinion, it's good value and the article sums up my reasons for getting involved with bees and trying to help them stay healthy here on Kaua'i.
With that said, I hope you can make it tonight for our last meeting of 2010. May the New Year bring you plenty of peace and prosperity, an abundance of good health and happiness and lots of flowers for your bee friends. Bee well and and have a Merry Christmas.